In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Act no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 promoting trust in the digital economy, Yohannes Cousy makes the following information available to its users/visitors:
Company name: Yohannes Cousy
Type of company: Simplified joint-stock company [SAS]
Authorised capital: € 3,000
Address of the registered office: 14 rue de Beauce – 75003 Paris
Paris Trade and Companies Register no.: 880 553 144
EU VAT no.: FR50 880005144
The website publication director is Yohannes Cousy.
This website is hosted by OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – BP 80157 59053 ROUBAIX CEDEX 1
The website provides information on all of the company’s activities.
The information on this website is as accurate as possible and is regularly updated.
All information available on the website is provided for information purposes, is not exhaustive and is subject to change.
The website owner shall not be liable in the event of errors, omissions or shortcomings.
Webmaster : Louise Peraldi.
If you note a problem, please let us know by describing it as precisely as possible by telephone or by sending an email to:
The website user shall refrain from reproducing and/or using the trademarks and logos featuring on the website, as well as modifying, copying, translating, reproducing, selling, publishing, exploiting and diffusing in digital or other format, all or part of the information, text, photos, images, videos and data featuring on the website, which constitute works within the meaning of the provisions of Articles L112-1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. In the event of breach of these mandatory provisions, the offender and all responsible persons shall be liable for the criminal and civil penalties laid down by law.
Your personal data is confidential and shall not be disclosed under any circumstances to third parties except for the purpose of smooth performance hereof.
These terms are governed by French law and all disputes arising in relation to interpretation or performance hereof shall be exclusively referred to the courts with remit for Yohannes Cousy Production’s registered office.
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